Placinte are a traditional Moldovian dish. Moldova is located in Eastern Europe. Placinte can be made sweet or savory. They can be filled with potato (my favorite), cabbage, feta cheese, meats, apple, pears, pumpkin, or anything else you choose! The secret to a deliciou placinta is the dough. Follow this easy recipe and impress your guests :)
Dough for the placinte:
4 cups of all purpose flour
2 eggs
1/2 cups milk (you might need extra on the side)
1/4 tsp. salt
Place the flour in a large bowl or you could also use a mixer. Add the rest of the ingredients and combine all together, using your hands or your mixer. If the dough is too dry add extra milk (a little at a time), and if the dough is too wet add extra flour (a little at a time).
Roll the dough and divide into 12 parts. Roll the 12 parts into small round balls and cover them with a towel. Let the dough rest while you make the filling.
Potato filling for the placinte:
1 lb potatoes (peeled)
1 medium sized onion (chopped)
3 Tbsp. fresh dill chopped
3 Tbsp salted butter
*you can also chop everything by hand if you don't have a mandoline or a vegetable chopper*
Use a mandoline and slice your potatoes round.
Then use a vegetable chopper to chop the potato rounds. Put in a large bowl.
Use the vegetable chopper to cut the onion and sautee until browned. Add to the bowl of potatoes.
Add the fresh dill to the potato mixture.
S+P to taste.
Mix all together.
Put the mixture in a colander so all the extra liquid can come out.
Putting the placinte together:
Roll out 1 dough flat.
Place 4 Tbsp of potato filling and 1/4 tbsp of butter on top of each potato filling.
Fold the dough like pictured below. (wet your finger tips and stick the dough together)
Prepare a pan with olive oil over medium heat. Place the placinte in the hot pan and cook covered for 2 minutes. Turn over and cook for another 2 minutes. (This process takes a bit of time because you can only fit 1 placinta in a pan at a time. You can use more than 1 pan if you want to speed up the process, or you can pour yourself a glass of wine and take your time :)
Pofta buna!